New England Animal Medical Center Primary Care
The laser produces specific light wavelengths and frequencies to affect a photochemical alteration of cells, which results in decreased pain, decreased edema and inflammation, and promotion of healing at the affected site.
Laser therapy is becoming increasingly widespread and is now being offered at New England Animal Medical Center Primary Care with our newly acquired Thor Laser system. We offer single laser treatment prices as well as package pricing, where you can purchase five treatments and receive the sixth treatment free in order to complete the recommended full course of therapy. Treatments only take a few minutes, and laser therapy offers a drug-free alternative for older patients or can act as an adjunct to other therapies without the risk of interaction.
Please call New England Animal Medical Center Primary Care at (508) 894-7922 to learn more details of how this treatment can benefit your pet today!
Benefits to patients include:
Relief of discomfort
Combined anti-inflammatory effects with accelerated healing
Targeted approach to the specific condition (treating only the affected area)
An alternative or adjunctive treatment to anti-inflammatory and pain medications (without the accompanying side effects)
Observable results in just 2 or 3 treatments.
Conditions that can be treated with laser therapy include:
Post-surgical incisions
Skin diseases
Muscle/tendon/ligament pain
Open wounds

Laser Therapy Case Study
Chronic Non-healing Wound – “Ike” 11-year-old Belgian Malinois
History: 11-year-old neutered male Belgian Malinois with a chronically non-healing incision 3 months post-surgery
Diagnosis: Mast Cell Tumor removal with MRSA infection and chronic recurrence of incisional dehiscence
Previous Treatment: Multiple surgical incisional revisions, 4 different antibiotic therapies based on culture results, medihoney therapy, hydrotherapy, warm compressing
Results: After just 2 laser treatments the owners reported that Ike’s incision looked the best that it had looked in months. After a full course of 8 laser treatments, the wound healed completely with no recurrence of infection or dehiscence. The owners were very pleased with the treatment, reporting no side effects to the laser therapy.